MPs have backed a change in the law, but the measure still faces many hurdles before coming into force.
The new case has been detected in Leeds after the infected person travelled from Uganda.
Doctor Mike Blabin tells the BBC the sector is desperately underfunded despite facing huge demand.
About 300 million people have access to some form of assisted dying – what are the policies of other countries?
Improving standards is the aim, but licensing costs could mean tattoos become more expensive.
Dame Esther says she thought she would be “long gone” by the time MPs debated assisted dying.
For the first time in nearly a decade, MPs will debate and vote on the issue of assisted suicide.
The strategy may cover areas such as mental health, suicide prevention, heart disease and stroke.
The government wants to create a smoke-free generation, and restrict the sale and marketing of vapes.
As she prepares for IVF treatment, Hannah Newby says the region’s provision is “a mess”.
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