Entries by BBC News

Low child vaccine uptake sees tipping-point warning

There are concerns over the spread of diseases such as whooping cough in England, as vaccine rates fall.

Government destroys £1.4bn of PPE from one Covid deal

The government’s deal with Full Support Healthcare was one of the most wasteful of the pandemic.

NHS confirms patient data stolen in cyber attack

The NHS said Patients should continue to attend their appointments unless they have been told otherwise.

How Dame Deborah James helped save a mum’s life

A mother-of-three shared her story with Dame Deborah’s mother Heather on BBC Breakfast.

How to stay well this Glastonbury Festival

From dehydration to tinnitus, a five-day party on Worthy Farm doesn’t come without its risks.

How Dame Deborah James helped save a mum’s life

A mother-of-three shared her story with Dame Deborah’s mother Heather on BBC Breakfast.

How Hollywood star Sheen helped uncover a dark secret

A chance scroll on the internet led the actor Michael Sheen on a journey to uncover a dark secret.

World first epilepsy device fitted in UK boy’s skull

Oran, who is 13, was sometimes having hundreds of seizures a day due to his severe epilepsy.

World first epilepsy device fitted in UK boy’s skull

Oran, who is 13, was sometimes having hundreds of seizures a day due to his severe epilepsy.

Penis cancer on the rise: Brazil sees 6,500 amputations in a decade

“It’s something you never imagine will happen to you,” says João, 63, who under went a partial amputation.